Preaching Ain't EasyGod Is With Us
by Rev. Dr. K. A. Slayton, Sr. Mark 4:38

Scripture teaches us that we should place our hopes and cares in a power much higher than our own. The demonstration of such power can be most identifiable in one’s individual faith. The current climate of uncertainty in which we find ourselves as a human race demands that we find our hope in God and in each other. These truly are “the times which try men’s souls,” as they also test our faith. Together as a community of faith we must be the light of the world. By working together and showing love for one another and the church we are the living examples of God’s power on earth.

In light of the enormous amount of loss we’ve experienced, be it financial, emotional, or personal, we now have taken center stage in the eyes of so many lost souls. Those souls can only be salvaged through the reassured confidence of that which is spiritual. A spiritual connection to a God who loves us all is what the world needs. With each passing decade our world has become less and less desiring of the things of God. We have increased our wealth, our health, our technology, and our intellect to the point that we feel we can make it on our own. For the past several years I’ve encountered many people, including a great number who are believers of the Christian faith, who proudly proclaimed that they were “more spiritual than religious.” I’ve always sensed that these individuals were in some way or another demonstrating a very casual protest against organized religion. Maybe that’s why I never engaged them in any detailed debate or further discussion. As far as I’m concerned, it’s an individual choice. But there is another choice that stands to be made in times such as these that requires a certainty about what we believe.

With death so very close to us all it is very important that we take our faith very serious. What we believe in times of uncertainty is what others are looking to see expressed. In essence, those who have taken a timid approach to salvation are watching those of us who profess a strong belief in God, to see if we are still confident during the time of the storm. Have we anchored ourselves in the hope that we will not be shaken or overtaken by a spirit of fear or defeat? Will we be courageous and steadfast in our reverence and affinity for the things of God? Or will we respond from a position of desperation and disorientation.

In many ways we are riding the sea of life with others who will wonder how it is that we are able to sleep with comfort and zero stress, while the ship is being tossed about. Much like Jesus on the boat with the disciples we must rest assure in the promises of God. What we must convey in our living during this time is that we know that we are not going through this alone. We can live confidently knowing that God is with us and that He has promised to never leave us alone. I want to encourage us all to continue to walk in faith and live lives that make God proud. This too shall pass and we know that God is in control.